Craft Talk List Authors O-Z
Olisakwe, Ukamaka
Ukamaka discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to take our real-life experiences and transfer them into the voice of characters in our writing. She advises us on using our daily interactions to develop characters and setting in our stories.
Keywords: Voice; Character development; Setting
Orner, Peter
Peter discusses his work as a fiction writer and the convergence of craft and content. He also explores the mystery of the ways that powerful scenes can stay with the reader for many years.
Keywords: Craft; voice
Pagel, Caryl
Caryl discusses her role as a poet and her process of investigating the world as an essential part of her writing craft. She explores the interplay of using the self and the world as the content of our poems.
Keywords: Content; self-reflection
Passarello, Elena
Elena discusses her work as an essayist/non-fiction writer who uses cultural moments to tell stories. She explores how to use cultural memory to tell a story, and how to use artifacts to encourage and enhance that cultural memory. She comments on the power and complications involved in using a famous voice/character to tell a story.
Keywords: Story structure; memory; voice
Patel, Shenaz
Shenaz discusses her work as a fiction writer and the opportunity that we have as writers to change the world that we live in. She considers "writer as God" and using child characters to explore and elucidate the emotional experience in our stories.
Keywords: Character development; Point of view; Social injustice; Inner child; Research
Peary, Alexandria
Alexandria discusses her work as a poetry writer and how to combine invention and mindfulness during the writing process. She explains the benefits of being aware of one's intrapersonal conversation and provides exercises to practice mindfulness. She also offers strategies to prolong the invention process, using different forms of free writing and accepting the physical and temporal separation from the audience.
Keywords: Self-discovery; method; meditation
Petrosino, Kiki
Kiki discusses her work as a poet and her experience using appropriation as a compositional technique to write their own poems. She also explores the cento poem as a form of appropriation technique, and teach us how to play "cento bingo" as an exercise to learn how to use other authors' words to convey one's own ideas.
Keywords: Revising; craft
Phillips, Carl
Carl discusses his work as a poet and the visual presentation of poetry. He explores elements of pattern, structure, stanza form, and sound.
Keywords: Structure; pattern; form; sound
Poleganov, Vladimir
Vladimir discusses his work as a fiction writer and how we can use character voice and background details to enhance the social aspects of a novel. He considers how social issues can be used both in realistic and in fantasy writing, as well as writing about social issues via a character's personal and psychological life.
Keywords: Social identity; environment; social injustice; allegory
Purpura, Lia
Lia discusses her work as a poetry writer and how to use a journal as a tool in the writing process. She gives advice on how to teach oneself to be more disciplined in the journal keeping process. She also talks about how to use "writing artifacts" to trace back to a time period and see the sequence of past events.
Keywords: Journaling, craft
Rankine, Camille
Camille discusses her work as a poet and the detailed role that prosody plays in poetry writing. She discusses how and when to write pantoum poetry, as well as how these tools can be used to enrich and evolve our characters.
Keywords: Pantoums; prosody; character development
Scanlon, Suzanne
Suzanne discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to use fragmentation to link a character's present moment to past moments and memories. She explores fragmentation examples from Marguerite Duras, Toni Morrison, and Lynn Freed, and how fragmentation can make the character's narrative more realistic. Finally, she explains some challenges when using fragmentation, and building a cohesive story with this style.
Keywords: Character development; Story structure; Story development
Schlesinger, Lisa
Lisa discusses her work as a playwright and offers up several strategies for finishing a story. She talks about her work using portfolios, diagrams, notecards, and maps to visualize and develop the character and story arcs.
Keywords: Story structure; Story development; Character development
Sean Greer, Andrew
Andrew discusses his work as a fiction writer and the skills and techniques of great storytellers. He discusses the process of choosing several details of the story: point of view, setting, voice, and more, including the process of imitating other writers.
Keywords: Storytelling; voice
Sharma, Prageeta
Prageeta discusses her work as a poet and a teacher of writing that is conscious of social identities. She discusses several important concepts such as whiteness, tokenism, and queerness, and the need to center these concepts in classroom pedagogy.
Keywords: Social injustice; Social identity; Pedagogy
Siegel, Robert
Robert discusses his work as a novelist and the importance of using poetry and imagery in fiction writing to describe a scene aesthetically. He analyzes japanese haiku, and how different elements of imagery are used to simultaneously convey emotion and information.
Keywords: Storytelling; structure
Sikelianos, Eleni
Eleni discusses her work as a poet and documentary poetics as a way for poets to discuss changes in the social landscape. She discusses how poetry can extend the meaning of a document to encapsulate the emotional energy of a writing, especially as it functions within documentaries that deal with social issues.
Key words: Method; Social witnessing; Documentary poetics
Swami, Sridala
Sridala discusses her work as a poetry writer and how writing can be an act of meditation. She talks about the difficulties of leaving distractions behind, and the importance of achieving a state of balance during the writing process. She also offers examples of art forms that inspire them to write poetry, and compares the act of writing with the moment between inhaling and exhaling.
Keywords: Self-discovery; method; meditation; perspective
Szporluk, Larissa
Larissa discusses her work as a poetry teacher and offers exercises to encourage us to explore new sounds and processes in our writing. She explores the interplay between music, sound, theme, and more to develop our craft.
Keywords: Sound; music; craft
Taylor Chehak, Susan
Susan discusses her work as a fiction writer and the process of revision as both a writer and a reader. She explores several revision strategies and techniques as well as the importance of non-defensiveness in revision.
Keywords: Revising; voice
Tiniacos, Natasha
Natasha discusses her work as a poet and the deeper meaning and purpose of poetry. She explores several philosophical questions about poetry in today's digital world and offer several suggestions and exercises for how to answer these questions.
Keywords: Craft
Tran, Vu
Vu discusses his work as a fiction writer and how identity informs character and narrative. He teaches how to use other literature to find the mood of our new story, and how complimenting narratives and styles can be woven into the same book.
Keywords: Identity; character development; point of view; story structure
Trevor, Douglas
Douglas discusses his work as a fiction writer and some of the difficulties of writing characters who are similar to ourselves and making these characters fully human. He goes on to think more about the complex and darker sides of our characters as important parts of their development in the story.
Keywords: Character development; perspective; voice
Trowbridge, William
William discusses his work as a poet and teaches us how to use internal rhyme in free verse. He explores syllabic stress in a number of free verses and how the stresses support the sense of the line. He also gives some recommendations on how to scan a line in our own free verse.
Keywords: Meter; sound
Twemlow, Nick
Nick discusses his work as a poet and how to use other authors' work to help you in your poetry writing. He talks about methods to revise your own work, and explores examples of erasure from authors Mary Ruefle and Srikanth Reddy. He also proposes exercises to write a new text using the erasure method on existing texts.
Keywords: Revising; appropriation
VanBaale, Kali
Kali discusses her work as a writer of fiction and social issues. She teaches us how to invoke the five senses to illustrate setting, writing setting into stories of social justice, and the process of self-discovery through writing about social justice.
Keywords: Setting; social injustice; contrast
Verzemnieks, Inara
Inara discusses her work as a literary journalist. She considers the importance of understanding the people within the context of their community, as well as the everyday concerns that they face and how these concerns connect to larger societal issues. She discusses the process of choosing the strong and vibrant voices to use in your writing, and how to trust and manage our feelings during interviews with people.
Keywords: Interviewing; voice; social injustice