Craft Talk List Authors D-I

Dahan Carlibach, Galit

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Galit discusses her work as a fiction writer and how we can build richness in our characters through their dialogue in the story. She encourages us to explore how to use story and verbs instead of adjectives to enrich our characters and plot, including the difference between showing and telling in a story.

Keywords: Character development; Verbs; Descriptive writing

Dala, Priya (1)

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Priya discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to craft a novel around an important social issue. She considers how to use characters and their experience to illustrate the facts of a social issue. Finally, she instructs how to present both sides of a social issue, which allows the reader to come to their own opinion about the issue.

Keywords: Social injustice; character development; research

Dala, Priya (2)

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Priya discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to use storytelling to inform and persuade readers around difficult social questions. She also discusses using craft to create deep and complex characters, and how important plot moments can drive character development.

Keywords: Storytelling; story structure; craft

Daniel, Susanna

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Susanna discusses her work as a fiction writer and the importance of setting as a dynamic element of a story along with characters and plot. She explores the meaning of setting in a number of novels, the visual and psychological levels of setting, and the description of the era included in the setting.

Keywords: Storytelling; setting

Dawes, Kwame

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Kwame discusses his work as a poet and the necessary process of finding delight in the creation process of poetry. He explores the difficulties of writing and the importance of struggling through the process of improving our craft.

Keywords: Pleasure of poetry; craft

Dennis Browne, Michael

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Keywords: Rhythm; imagery; craft


Michael discusses his work as a poetry teacher and writer and his joy in bringing students into closer relationship with poetry and their writing of new poems. He encourages us to see writers as readers and readers as writers, as we expand our understanding of what should be included in our process of poetry writing.

Dermont, Amber

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Amber discusses her work as a writing teacher and how to write the opening sentence in a story. She also examines the opening sentences of various published stories to analyze how the author welcomes the reader into the story. She provides different ways of how to begin a story, and exercises to write and revise the opening sentence.

Keywords: Storytelling; story structure; story development

di Giovanni, Janine

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Janine discusses her work as an author of narrative long form non-fiction. As a writer of human rights abuses around the world, she speaks to us about several important techniques: being an empathic listener, carefully choosing characters and using their dialogue to tell the narrative of injustice, the importance of thorough research and interviewing, and the centrality of the verbal storytelling tradition.

Keywords: Social injustice; interviewing, field work; research

Dicharry, Cate (1)

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Cate discusses her work as a fiction writer and the central importance an interesting character can have in driving the rest of the narrative. Cate prompts a debate about whether fiction writers should be free to write about characters with social identities different from their own, and various details we should consider when making this decision.

Keywords: Character development; Plot; Cultural identity

Dicharry, Cate (2)

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Cate discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to employ small details about our characters' inner emotional and intellectual lives to enrich a narrative. She discusses how to use point of view to direct the structure of a story and move the plot in an engaging way.

Keywords: Character development; Point of view; Story Structure

Faizullah, Tarfia

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Tarfia discusses her work as a poet and how our personal identity informs the syntax in our writing. She explores the present moment in poetry writing and the power that comes from poetry that is both flexible and vulnerable.

Keywords: Syntax; self-reflection; craft

Ferreira, Lina

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Lina discusses her work as a non-fiction writer coming from Columbia and speaking both English and Spanish. She considers the balance of writing with translation and attempting to preserve meaning while keeping the character's natural voice. She discusses writing as a truth-telling process, as well as how to think about lying in non-fiction.

Keywords: Translation; truth-telling; voice

Fishman, Boris

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Boris discusses his work as a fiction writer and keeping the reader engaged. He speaks about the importance of plot in motivating the reader, strategically creating drama, and divulging information to the reader. Finally, he discusses how to prime our readers with detail about characters before writing important character and plot changes.

Keywords: Plot; building drama; priming

Flournoy, Angela

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Angela discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to manage a large cast of characters and writing from multiple points of view. She considers issues of the social hierarchy and community that surrounds our characters, as well as how to decide how "deep" to go into a character's internal life. Finally, she teaches us how to differentiate our characters when working with a large cast.

Keywords: Character development; Point of view; Setting

Foster, Patricia

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Patricia discusses her work as a writer of memoir and the unique considerations we need when writing memoir. She encourages us to select the most important moments and details of a story, and how we can achieve richness in our story by exploring personal character details. Finally, she considers memoir as an act of discovery.

Keywords: Self discovery; story structure; character development

Galvin, James

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James discusses his work as a poet and the importance of framing poetry as pleasure and nourishment. He discusses the power of sound and musicality in poetry and the unique emotionality that can exist in well-written poetry.

Keywords: Pleasure of poetry; sound; meter

Gander, Forrest

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Forrest discusses his work as a poet and the turn in poetry and its interplay with line breaks and syntax. He considers several types of turns including perceptual and conceptual turns and how they evoke new types of emotion and meaning.

Key words: The turn; form

Ganieva, Alisa

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Alisa discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to use a large "orchestra" of voices, including the voice of the community and setting. She also explores the challenge and importance of doing political writing in the modern era.

Keywords: Voice; Setting; Political writing

Gil-Sheridan, Peter

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Peter discusses his work as a playwright and how we can use word choice to write about complex social topics. He challenges us to understand the micro-level details of our characters' lives before moving on to the "larger" story. Finally, he asks how should we write a character's voice that is honest and respectful when we know little about their culture and history as the author?

Keywords: Social injustice; Political writing; Story structure; Voice

Goherty, Megan

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Megan discusses her work as a playwright and how to craft and structure a new play. She discusses using the self to structure and expand a play, and also how finding voice in playwriting is different than writing a book or other mediums.

Keywords: Story structure; autobiography; voice

Gomba, Obari

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Obari discusses his work as a fiction writer and illustrates the reciprocal relationship between character and story. He teaches how to use critical judgment in selection details for our stories, and finally, the global importance of character creation.

Keywords: Character development; craft; imagination; community

Graver, Elizabeth

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Elizabeth discusses her work as a fiction writer and her field research process as a way to immerse into a particular topic. She teaches us how to use field research to find inspiration to create stories and characters by interacting with different milieus, learning the particular jargon, and experiencing from an insider perspective.

Keywords: Research; character creation; plot; craft

Greenstreet, Kate

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Kate talks about her work as a poetry writer and keeping a document with written collection of random thoughts and ideas as a tool for building poems. She also gives us some examples of their own excerpts and how the juxtaposition of single elements results in new creative ideas.

Keywords: Journaling; craft

Harding, Paul

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Paul discusses his work as a fiction writer and the use of setting, place, and landscape in their writing process. He highlights the process of sensory observation in creating pieces of the story as well as using lyricism and tonality in writing.

Keywords: Setting; voice; observation; music

Hass, Robert

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Robert discusses his work as a poet and the importance of keeping a notebook and sketching single lines as the beginning of writing poems. He also proposes a series of exercises to sketch poems of two, three, and four lines. He encourages the use of metaphors, parallelism, contrast, and rhythm in the building of sketches.

Keywords: Craft; journaling

Hassinger, Amy

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Amy discusses her work as a fiction writer and using character desire to create structure, choose a point of view, and drive the narrative--just as desire drives our thoughts and behaviors in our real life. She speaks to us about how desire can change the story based on our choice in point of view.

Keywords: Character development; story structure; point of view

Hickman, Mary

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Mary discusses her work as a poet and the characteristics of a prose poem. She explores using sound and tone to enrich the prose poem, and survey several examples of prose poems that are especially enlivened.

Keywords: Sound; form

Huneven, Michelle

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Michelle discusses her work as a fiction writer and several tips she has for young writers. She offers psychological, personal, and more tangible tips to help with process and craft questions as well as the unconscious processes that are important for authors.

Keywords: Craft; self-reflection

Hunter, Sam

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Sam discusses his work as a playwright and how plays are different from other forms of writing. He explores how to deepen our characters by accentuating both their interpersonal and intrapsychic lives, as well as the difference between evoking sympathy and evoking empathy in our characters.

Keywords: Story structure; character development; empathy

Ives, Lucy

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Lucy discusses her work as a poetry writer and her experience publishing her work and revising it years later to make it relevant to her current self. She also talks about her experience as an editor, the importance of re-contextualizing one's work instead of correcting it, and using time as an ally to revise our work.

Keywords: Revising